
A critical phase for any ServiceNow implementation to succeed, so why is it so often performed like an afterthought? Have you ever gotten a wide-eyed response, three-fourths of the way through an implementation, when you’ve asked for a testing plan…or worse, when you’ve been asked for one? Is your organization challenged with writing test scripts, finding the time to execute them, and then trying to figure out how to keep track of all this?

Fortunately, at MavenNext, we’ve been there, and we have the answer.

The ServiceNow Automated Testing Framework provides a repeatable, exportable, and reportable method for automating testing and tracking results, yet its adoption has been slow to take hold in the ServiceNow delivery space. With countless implementations under our belt, we’ve seen the issues when testing isn’t considered as an integral part of the project, and we understand the challenges involved in coordinating that testing. That’s why we incorporate the Automated Testing Framework as part of our standard delivery methodology.

We build repeatable automated tests we can run in your instance, where the results can be accessed by you, the client. Tests can be run on-demand by clients to validate results independently, and results can be reported using standard ServiceNow reporting tools. Transparency is one of our core values, so we involve our clients in the process from beginning to end, and give them the tools to expand and improve their own testing processes as their ServiceNow path matures.


We’d love to demonstrate our process to you and discuss your own challenges with delivery and testing ServiceNow. At MavenNext, we know the challenges out there, because we’ve lived them, and we can help your organization overcome theirs.


ServiceNow ROI Comes From Strong Process and Clean Data